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Job Vacancies

We have a very small team of paid staff, as well as many local (and some not-so local!) volunteers who provide the backbone of our operation here at Moors Valley Railway.

They fulfil many roles and come from different backgrounds and ages. We provide equal opportunities for everyone and provide training applicable to each role.

Staff vacancies

There are not currently any paid vacancies available, however we are still looking for volunteers!


Meet new friends, learn new skills, and help make the railway even better! We always need helping hands and volunteers can get involved a number of areas based on experience or interest:

  • Locomotive Department: volunteers start as cleaners, progress to being a guard, and subject to passing the relevant exams, can work their way to up an engine driver
  • Workshop: volunteers perform a number of skilled roles and we have a number of retired engineers who attend on a regular basis
  • General: we have many roles including locomotive, coach and track maintenance, signalling and telecommunications, general maintenance and gardening

Volunteer vacancies

Coach & Wagon Department

Our unique wagon fleet consists of over 50 vehicles, many of which feature special hand-painted private owner liveries. We are looking for someone to help maintain and repair the fleet including replacing wooden bodies and repainting.

Gardening Department

We are looking for someone with green fingers to maintain and improve the stations and G scale garden railway, and add a splash of colourful blooms to the area.

As a volunteer, all we ask is a commitment for an agreed number of days per year, and in return you can become part of the family here at Moors Valley Railway.

Volunteers must be aged 18 or over.

If you’d like to volunteer, or for more information, please email or use the contact form below.

Contact us and join the team