The Fleet

Our Locomotives

Moors Valley Railway is home to one of the largest collections of 7¼″ narrow gauge locomotives in the UK, with 19 steam locomotives and 2 diesel. A 20th steam locomotive is currently under construction.

The home fleet consists of a number of railway-owned and privately-owned engines. Nearly all of these locomotives have been built in or with the assistance of the Moors Valley Railway (and previously, Tucktonia) workshop.

The railway is the home of Tinkerbell, the first 7¼″ gauge locomotive which the driver sat in, rather than behind. This prototype went on to spawn many variations, which have transformed and expanded over the years to produce locomotives with even greater proportions and power not normally seen on 7¼″ gauge railways.

For workshop and maintenance updates, follow Moors Valley Railway Locomotive Works on Facebook.

No.2 Horace

In service

No.3 Talos

In service

No.4 Tinkerbell

In service

No.5 Sapper

Out of service, awaiting overhaul

No.6 Medea

Out of service, awaiting overhaul

No.7 Aelfred

Out of service, awaiting overhaul

No.9 Jason

In service

No.10 Offa

In service

No.11 Zeus

Out of service, undergoing overhaul

No.12 Pioneer

In service

No.14 Horton

In service

No.15 William Rufus

Out of service, awaiting overhaul

No.17 Hartfield

In service

No.18 Thor

In service

No.19 Athelstan

In service

No.23 Vixen

Out of service, undergoing overhaul

No.24 Perseus

In service


In service


In service


In service


In service

ALCo Project

Under construction

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